Sunday, April 6, 2008

The "New Europe" pressures the "Old"

Despite strong opposition from the old vanguard of Europe (headed by France and Germany), both Ukraine and Georgia were promised eventual membership in the organization--certainly a victory for the two nations in the long-term. They did not receive the MAPs they came for at this particular summit, although it is thought that this may occur as soon as December. Ukraine and Georgia should thank Poland, the Baltic States, and the Czech Republic (part of the so-called "New Europe") for forcing the compromise from Western statesmen reluctant to disrupt the old "balance of power" in Europe or upset an irritable Russia. Indeed, it was by and large a successful summit for America and its eastern allies, whose old grudges compel them to occasionally push a Russian button or two: they also managed to wrangle unanimous support for Bush's pet project, a system of missile shields to be officially included as a component of NATO defense.

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